Request workflow

File processing on the Visual PDF API is broken down into 2 main steps: execution of a pipeline and downloading of the files resulting from this processing.

1. Running a pipeline

A pipeline is a series of tasks, allowing file modification tools to be chained together, thus being able to combine functionalities.

It also allows you to define various options to customize the behavior of the query.

A pipelines must be sent to the API with a multipart/form-data encoding type.

The execution of a pipeline is done via the process resource.

2. Downloading the processed files

Once the pipeline is complete, you can download the processed files. These files will be downloadable for a period of 1 hour, after which the files will be automatically deleted from our servers.

Downloading files is done with the download resource.


The mode option of a pipeline allows you to modify the waiting mode for task execution. You can therefore choose to wait for the pipeline to be fully processed by our servers to obtain the result directly (containing the URLs allowing the files to be downloaded), or to launch the request in the background and be notified via a webhook when the processing is completed. The webhook will be called by our servers via a POST request containing the processing result, in a format similar to that used in "wait" mode.

You will be able to link the pipeline to the result received in the webhook thanks to an id that you will obtain when launching the pipeline as well as in the data received by the webhook.