Visual PDF API reference


The Visual PDF API is structured around the principles of REST (Representational State Transfer), a widely adopted architectural style for designing networked applications. This means that our API leverages standard HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, DELETE) to perform operations on resources, which are typically represented as URLs. Each endpoint in the Visual PDF API corresponds to a specific function, enabling you to easily interact with and manipulate PDF files.


If you are not yet familiar with our API and its functionalities, or how a REST API works, we advise you to start by reading our guides.

Our guides will allow you to discover our API, how to use it and what its features are, through explanations and examples. The API reference will allow you to obtain the different API endpoints and the details of their parameters.

Access condition

Our API is restricted to users with a valid account.

Each request made must be authenticated using an API key obtained from your admin portal.

File processing requests consume credits, which you can get through a subscription or prepaid package. Visit the pricing page to find out more.

Get started

How to authenticate your requests with an API key.
Request workflow
The different steps to process files with the API

Main API resources

Run a file processing pipeline and its different tasks.
Download pipeline output files.